We thought our Attuned Workforce Approach could help the employees of New Mexico’s Division of Children and Family Services. Now we know for sure.

Back in October, The Institute provided our Attuned Workforce Training to employees in New Mexico who work in their children’s system of care. We thought it went well. And as you can see from the responses we received afterwards in our program evaluation, we weren’t the only ones who felt that way.

“All of it was helpful. I’m more aware of how the things I say and how I say them will affect someone.” 

41.67% agreed and 58.33% strongly agreed that what we presented was relevant to their work.

“I have done similar trainings but this one was more in-depth.”

58.33% agreed and 41.67% strongly agreed that they would recommend this training to colleagues.

“Thank you for sharing your knowledge. It was awesome training and I learned good skills that will help me improve my personal and professional relationships.” 

58.33% agreed and 41.67% strongly agreed that the training materials offered new perspectives and insights.

“Everything was so helpful in general. I truly enjoyed the training.” 

Overall, the level of knowledge among participants went from 75% knowing none to a moderate amount of the material before the training to 83.33% knowing a lot to a great deal after the training

But our work in New Mexico isn’t done yet. Next, we will be offering monthly supervision over the next 6 months to support their implementation of the skills they learned in our Attuned Workforce Approach. So, stay tuned.

If you’d like to see the entire New Mexico evaluation, click here.